Comment 3/25/2025 To Oppose Renewal Of A Waste Coal Reprocessing Site

Mar 24, 2025

Your interests (clean air, water, stable climate, species preservation) are adversely affected by renewal of this permit.   Comment Tues, 3/25/2025 at 5PM EDT. Comment online at or by phone at 1+678-631-8517 PIN 568550176 or by email to Say that you oppose renewal of Taishan Coal LLC’s permit number O002084. 


Remember Buffalo Creek

Feb 27, 2025

On Feb. 26, 1972, Pittston Coal Company’s waste sludge dam in Logan County, WV, collapsed, killing 125 people and leaving 4,000 homeless. As we remember this solemn anniversary, let’s also remember that thousands of people in Appalachia live under these massive dams. Thank you Appalshop and Mimi Pickering for documenting this crime against humanity in the documentary "The Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man" at While new standards were emplaced after the disaster, they’re only as good as the integrity of the companies (known for disasters) building and operating the dams and diligence and enforcement by government regulators (known for lax enforcement and giving coal companies whatever they want). With climate chaos driving more floods with greater severity, and regulatory agencies being gutted, hamstrung, and weakened, citizen vigilance is even more important now. Below are some of the sludge dams near us.


Environmental Groups Sue To Challenge Mountaintop Removal Mine On Coal River Mountain

Feb 19, 2025

Environmental Groups Sue to Challenge Mountaintop Removal Mine on Coal River Mountain 


We Need A Replacement Truck

Feb 14, 2025

Citizens' Enforcement Program coordinator Junior Walk: For over a quarter of a century, we at Coal River Mountain Watch have done everything within our power to stop coal companies from pillaging our region with their surface mining practices. One of the main ways we’ve found to cost these coal operators money is to diligently monitor their activities and find things to bring to the attention of regulatory authorities. Whether these infractions are related to coal companies not following pre-agreed upon reclamation schedules, chemical spills, runoff from the side of a mine site, or dangerous highwalls precariously close to public roads, or many other problems we’ve found. It’s our belief that if coal operators were held to the same standard as your average citizen, they wouldn’t be able to operate in an economically sustainable way.


Citizens' Enforcement Program Update

Dec 3, 2024

Here are some updates on our Citizens’ Enforcement Program so far in 2024:-Junior Walk, our CEP coordinator, site monitor, and outreach coordinator, has posted 97 YouTube videos of the coal operations, as well as some stunning fall foliage, in the Coal River Valley at


Holding Them Accountable

Aug 22, 2024

Coal River Mountain Watch has gotten the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection to greatly curtail its practice of granting indefinite extensions for coal company violation abatement. In July 2023, with allies Appalachian Voices and Sierra Club, we complained to the federal Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement about this practice, focused on a violation by Lexington Coal Company in July 2021. WVDEP had granted 25 extensions over two years, when the law allows only 90 days with very specific exceptions. OSMRE agreed with us and gave WVDEP a Ten Day Notice, giving them 10 days to correct the situation. WVDEP issued a cessation order for that violation and began issuing more cessation orders and "Show Cause" orders and applying the required fines at dozens of coal company permits. Lexington now owes over $3 million in delinquent penalties and has entered into a payment agreement with WVDEP to pay the bulk of their fines within two years. However, WVDEP has continued granting excessive extensions in some cases and otherwise failing to take effective enforcement action. Also, that violation from July 2021 is still unabated more than three years later.


Public Hearing March 21, 5 PM, Regarding Renewal Of Mountaintop Removal Permit

Mar 20, 2024

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is holding a public hearing (informal conference) regarding mountaintop removal March 21 at 5:00 PM, online, by phone, or in person at Clear Fork Elementary School, Artie, WV. You can also send comments by email to by 5 PM March 21. This is for those who OPPOSE renewal of Alpha Metallurgical Resources subsidiary Republic Energy's Middle Ridge mountaintop removal permit number S301712 on Coal River Mountain. Photo by WVDEP. Details below: