Feb 10, 2018
See Walk on the Mountain in the Banff Film Festival World Tour. The description of this 19-minute film by 3 Point Productions says, “Junior Walk, an anti-coal activist in southern West Virginia, takes us through his battle with mining companies and why he believes mountaintop removal methods should stop immediately on this land he loves.” Watch the promo clip here. The films on tour are here and the US dates and locations are here. Films shown vary by venue. Since Walk on the Mountain won’t be shown at all venues, you might check with a venue near you to see if it’s in their lineup. If you can’t catch him on the big screen, maybe you can…
See Junior Walk in person. He’s on a speaking tour coast to coast this spring with Post Landfill Action Network’s Point of Intervention College Road Tour. Check for a location near you here. Junior will be at several of the stops, but not all.
Or you can pay us a visit and get a tour of the area.
The more the merrier, so bring friends. Please coordinate your visit a few weeks in advance so that we can make sure Junior is available. With Junior on the road, you might have to settle for someone else for a tour and visit.
Please consider supporting our work to publicize the ongoing devastation of mountaintop removal with a tax-deductible gift here today. $25 covers an hour of touring, $50 fills the truck tank, and $100 covers a week’s mortgage at the Judy Bonds Center for Appalachian Preservation. Thanks!
Coal River Mountain Watch
PO Box 303
Naoma, WV 25140
304-854-2182, coalriver[at]crmw[dot]net